We all play different roles in our life, in the morning I am a father, in the day I am an employee and in the evening a husband. During these various role play, mobile plays an important role. As a father, I am able to track report card,
minivan pickup and events at school on group chat. As an employee I am able to communicate operational information with my team and as a husband I am able to pay utility bills and banking all on mobile.
I multi-task my time during various role plays. While my daughter is playing, I am able to pay my bills online in seconds.
These are the little “Mobile Moments of Productivity” that makes several tasks easy, fast and offers excellent user experience.
The same expectations employees have with companies offering these “Mobile Moments of Productivity”. A starting platform apps would be
– Internal App and Task App
– Internal app will be single screen with multiple icons of departments such as your Intranet on mobile app.
– Task app will be single screen with multiple projects one is working on – collaboration app. This may vary from industry to industry.
However, before any apps can be developed and offered to employees. The working culture of “DIY”/Self help is important rather seeking approval for every mini ask.
Large organizations wonder we have spent so much money on developing Intranet, is this a waste. The answer is no, there are various tools such as FeedHenry.com and Kinvey that turnaround Intranets on mobile, called MBAAS – Mobile Backend as a Service.
Other great apps available are Uber for business, Concur to manage business expenses and travel, sales force field tracking app among many others.