I personally feel, one of the most disruptive technologies in the coming decade is going to be a companies who are going to solve transit issues. Average commute time across the world is increasing every year. However, making availability of public transportation, pedestrian walkways and expanding rail options are simply giving various point to point connectivity.
If you are living in any major city you must have experienced traffic jams. Imagine the possibility of being transported from point A to point B without any traffic jam. Currently, if a person has to travel 300 KMS at a speed of 100 KM per hour on road, they should reach in 3 hours but that never happens due to speed bumps and other obstacles. SkyTran a NASA product which runs on magnetic levitation (maglev) is like a pod that accommodates four person. It’s a taxi in air and on demand service. If all goes well, you may see SkyTran in Bihar (India).
Google soon will be starting off with Driverless cars in New York Taxi fleet. Dubai has already rolled out the RFP of having 25% driverless cars by 2030. Singapore already has driverless trains. As part of their Smart City Vision, they are planning to have driverless buses and freeways by platoons of autonomous trucks following a single driver.
Commercial flights already have the capability to land automatically, it is matter of time when we will have pilotless passenger planes. Antipode, the hypersonic concept plane to that will make flying between New York and London in 11 minutes.
Drones are already taking too much airspace causing issues to several airports. In most US businesses logistics plans drones and driverless cars are already in their business plans.
Flying Cars are expected to debut in 2018 as per 2012 New York International Auto Show. However, the automated car parks across the world have to make adjustments to the new sizes of flying cars.
Finally, if you are aspiring to solve any of the transit technology challenges, you can put your thinking cap on following areas
Connectivity – Uber is trying to solve it by offering on Demand Taxi Service. If you have the right resources, you can start off offering on Demand flying plane service, emergency services etc.
Communication – Vehicle to Vehicle communication is one thing, but how do they communicate with people. How about offering wearable devices not only offering health advice, but communicate with vehicles movement offering 100% safety. One person is killed every 25 seconds, imagine no more road accidents. You can take one step further and design wearables for pets as well. Currently, only GPS driven wearables are available for Pets, this would add huge bonus.
Automation – The generation born after 2050 might never experience the concept of learning to drive a car. The idea of fully automated transit system is intriguing but possible. It will require even the traffic rules to change. No more license, registrations, challans etc.
Environment – Future has to be zero or low emission of CO2, so environment is a package deal if you working on transit technologies.
When considering the future of transportation, it is important to keep in mind why people travel, to work, meet friends/family, and attend events or shopping. Virtual meetings or Video Conferencing or telecommuting can also have a big impact on transportation.