Tryst with open source technologies . Aadhaar is world’s largest digital identity platform enrolling more than 1.1 bn of the human race, a fastest platform to cross 1 bn mark in five and half years, faster than facebook , google . Its the corner stone of digital India and a pillar of cash less economy , with governments direct benefit transfer and subsidy re embursement is thru aadhaar linked platform.
Its one of the largest transaction processing system with aadhaar generation capability of more than 1.5 mn/day , bio metric authentication systems are more than 2500 tps. The data storage for 1 bn residents are in tens of petabytes. These system has to be robust and secure and meet all the privacy criteria as stated by UIDAI in the parliament and supreme court of India.
One must be thinking , a system of such complexity must be built using Gartners top software and hardware platforms ? The answer is No . Its all built on open source platform and using open interoperability standards..
Aadhaar is the world’s largest biometric based open source transaction processing platform in the world. From hardware to databases, to development platforms to middleware are all achieved using open source and open standards platforms and algorithms . The systems is built with open Api’s allowing the developers community , to integrate and build various down stream applications. Its portals are built on open source platform with all security features embedded within to meet country’s security standards. Some of the open source stacks used are Java development environment, MySQL, Mongo db, Solr, Hadoop, Rabbit MQ etc. ( Ref. UIDAI architecture document).
To conclude its perhaps one of the largest secure opensource data base and BI and authentication system in the world.